本文由意大利留学网(yidali.liuxuequn.com)意大利语编辑组收集\整理\编辑,供出国留学的学生学习之目的。请大家阅读,如有任何疑问请联系我们。 意大利语是一门形态变化丰富的语言,九大词类中有六大类词有形态变化。句子中,人称、词性、时态都要保持一致。意大利语语法很复杂,不掌握一定的语法知识,就很难进行语言实践。但是只要打好基础,学好动词变位,那么就可以无师自通。Pronunciation Examples VOWELS a-a as in father [a] abito (abito) e-ay as in pay but without the glide [e] eguale (egwale) i-ee as in meet [i] or before a vowel, like y in yes [j] impresa (impreza) o-o as in go but without the glide [o] oca (oka) u-oo as in moon [u] or before a vowel, like w in water [w] usare (uzare), uo vo (wovo) CONSONANTS b-b as in bag [b]... [ 查看全文 ]意大利语词汇:意大利语的一些发音问题的相关文章