清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。清明节英文的诗有哪些,留学群小编整理了各英语翻译家翻译的《清明》,如吴钧陶、许渊冲、 蔡廷干、杨宪益及戴乃迭等等。 《清明》 (唐)杜牧 清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。 借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指杏花村。 吴钧陶英译《清明》((韵式aaba) It drizzles thick and fast on the Pure Brightness Day, I travel with my heart lost in dismay。 "Is there a public house somewhere, cowboy?" He points at Apricot Village faraway。 许渊冲英译《清明》((韵式aabb) [page]A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day; The mourner's heart is going to break on his way。 Where can a wineshop be found to drown his sad hours? A cowherd points to a cot 'mid apricot flowers。 ... [ 查看全文 ]清明节英文的诗的相关文章