新GRE写作一定要讲究连续性,这样文章才会显得比较有条理。下面留学群GRE作文栏目小编就为大家详细解析一下,和小编一起来了解一下吧! 我们首先来看下面这段话: Panda bear is a kind of docile lovely animal in the southwest of China. Its cherubic appearance and awkward movement appeals to not only children but also adults. It symbolizes the spirit of peace and harmony, which is cherished by Chinese people. Expansion of human activities to wild areas has caused a sharp decrease in the number of panda bears. 这段话由四句组成,彼此之间存在着明显的联系,论证的都是中国大熊猫的情况。排除语法,文字优美等诸多考虑,这段话给人的感觉是四个孤立的句子,而不是一段文章。其原因之一,也被笔者认为是最重要的一个原因,是它缺乏必要的过渡(Transit... [ 查看全文 ]实例解析GRE考试写作环节连接的重要性的相关文章