下面为大家推荐的是2011年11雅思写作预测的内容,是由雅思写作名师郑仁强发布的。下面我们就一起来看看这份雅思写作预测的具体内容吧,看看能给大家带来哪些帮助。 剑桥雅思3 test3的柱状图(题目在73页,范文在163页) 表格题(描述6个城市地铁系统,) 剑桥雅思4 test3的柱状图(题目在78页,) 范文: The bar chart provided indicates post-school qualifications of various levels by gender in Australia in 1999. At 3 levels of post-school qualifications, males outnumbered females. This was most evident in skilled vocational diploma, where the percentage of males (90%) was far higher than that of females(10%). Also, more males (70%) had postgraduate diploma than females (30%). In ad... [ 查看全文 ]专题推荐:
雅思作文范文:Education: Losing Its Value
下面是一篇关于教育类话题的雅思作文范文,这篇雅思作文范文明确了中心思想,做到了首尾呼应,考生可以借鉴里面的短语、句子或思路,给自己的雅思写作找一些思路和灵感。 Education: Losing Its Value Today, more and more people are attending third level education, and many go on to post-g...[ 查看全文 ]专题推荐:
雅思写作:Different Qualities between Men and Women
雅思写作:Different Qualities between Men and Women By Jeenn Lee Hsieh 谢振礼海外投稿,留学群专稿:www.liuxuequn.com 》Some people think that men and women have different qualities. Therefore, some certain jobs ...[ 查看全文 ]【原创】高分写作:The " Killer" Opening Sent ence
How to Write The 'Killer' Opening Sentence? The Most Important Sentence in An Essay Created by Jeenn Lee Hsieh 谢振礼老师海外投稿 想给写作测验的评分官看第一好印象,文章的第一句肯定为得意的关键。第一句是第一段引言的首句,最好搞到【语不惊人誓不休】。成功的...[ 查看全文 ]