回首百年,我们的奥运进取之路,恰恰是中华民族奋发图强、不甘人后的精神体现。下面是作文网小编为您带来的《北京奥运会英文作文》,希望大家喜欢。 篇一:北京奥运会 I think hosting the Olympic games 2008 will have a positive effect on the Chinese economy. First, there will be millions of foreigners come to China to see the Olympic Games, these foreginers will consume during their staying in China, for example, they eat foods in restaurants, live in hotels, they are like those travellers who visits China. Second, the Olympic games creates more job opportunities for local workers. Olympic games ususlly requires a standard of th... [ 查看全文 ]北京奥运会英文作文的相关文章