新西兰留学 推荐信该具备哪些内容
新西兰留学网(http://www.nzliuxue.com)留学顾问徐闻杰老师解读,推荐信的内容。 通常推荐信表格常有一些常见问题需要申请者回答,新西兰留学网(http://www.xuenz.com)就此为大家介绍一下: How well do you know the student academically? 在学业上,您对该生了解多少? In what years did you teach the student? 您是在哪几个年纪的时候教过该生? How large is the class? 班上一共有多少人? What courses? 在哪些课程中,您曾给予该生指导? Briefly describe your course. It is especially helpful to know what texts are used and if the students are grouped by ability? 请简单描述一下您所教授的课程,使用什么教材?学生是否是依照程度分班? How accurately does the student read and understand what he or she has read? ... [ 查看全文 ]新西兰留学 推荐信该具备哪些内容的相关文章