12月23日 留学群liuxuequn.com英语频道特为大家准备相关的学习资料,希望对大家有用。 My favorite class is gym.I can't wait for PE.It's really fun,fun,fun.I love to get out of class.I need a break from books.It fells great to move around.We all look forward to it.It's a chance to unwind.It's like an escape to freedom.We have gym twice a week.We wear T-shirts and shorts.We play both inside and out.PE starts off with exercise.We stretch,bend and twist.It's always important to warm up.We do jumping jacks.We do push-ups and sit-ups.then we jog around the track.Finally,the real fun ... [ 查看全文 ]英语演讲:儿童英语演讲:我最喜欢的课程的相关文章