12月23日 留学群liuxuequn.com英语频道特为大家准备相关的学习资料,希望对大家有用。 Hurray for July!Three cheers for August!I love the summertime.No school for two months.No worrying about tests.And a lot less homework to do.I get to do what I want.I'm as free as a bird.It's my dream come true.Summer is a chance to relax.I read interesting books.I watch my favorite TV programs.I hang out with my friends.We roam around the neiborhood.we enjoy staying up late.I visit my grandparents.I travel with my family.We take fun trips all around.Summer is a time to learn more.I try to imp... [ 查看全文 ]英语演讲:儿童英语演讲:我的暑假的相关文章
英语演讲:I Love the Beauty of Changjiang Gorges
12月23日 留学群liuxuequn.com英语频道特为大家准备相关的学习资料,希望对大家有用。 “三峡情”英语演讲稿评 语本文是作者所在学校举行“三峡情”英语演讲竞赛中获二等奖的一篇演讲稿。文中描述和议论得体,词汇也用得较为丰富,只是某些句子结构过于复杂,可能会给听众理解带来困难。某些语言上的不足之处点评修改如下:(1)改为不定式表示目的较好。(2)这里应该用主动语态。Boys and g...[ 查看全文 ]