12月23日 留学群liuxuequn.com英语频道特为大家准备相关的学习资料,希望对大家有用。 (点击视频中央的箭头,开始播放英语演讲视频) 第十届“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛冠军——夏鹏 liuxuequn.com名词解释:演讲稿也叫演说辞,它是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场所发表的讲话文稿。 演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,是对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,它体现着演讲的目的和手段, 演讲的内容和形式。演讲稿是人们在工作和社会生活中经常使用的一种文体。它可以用来交流思想、感情,表达 主张、见解;也可以用来介绍自己的学习、工作情况和经验……等等;演讲稿具有宣传、鼓 动、教育和欣赏等作用,它可以把演讲者的观点、主张与思想感情传达给听众以及读者,使 他们信服并在思想感情上产生共鸣。... [ 查看全文 ]英语演讲稿范文:第十届“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛冠军的相关文章
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12月23日 留学群liuxuequn.com英语频道特为大家准备相关的学习资料,希望对大家有用。 Today I am very glad to be here to share with you my ideas of success. What is success? It is what everyone is longing for.Sometimes success would b...[ 查看全文 ]英语演讲稿:英语演讲:This was an emotional day
12月23日 留学群liuxuequn.com英语频道特为大家准备相关的学习资料,希望对大家有用。 the ceremonies honoring the fortieth anniversary of d day became more than commemorations. they became celebrations of heroism and sacrifice. this...[ 查看全文 ]英语演讲稿:英语演讲稿-Malcolm X: Message To The Grass Roots
12月23日 留学群liuxuequn.com英语频道特为大家准备相关的学习资料,希望对大家有用。 ...And during the few moments that we have left, we want to have just an off-the-cuff chat between you and me -- us. We want to talk right down to e...[ 查看全文 ]英语演讲:Bush:New steps to help homeowners
12月23日 留学群liuxuequn.com英语频道特为大家准备相关的学习资料,希望对大家有用。 (September 1,2007) Good morning. This week, I met with Housing Secretary Jackson and Treasury Secretary Paulson to discuss the economy and the turb...[ 查看全文 ]英语演讲稿范文:英语演讲教程:Asking and Answering Questions
12月23日 留学群liuxuequn.com英语频道特为大家准备相关的学习资料,希望对大家有用。 Chapter IV Asking and Answering QuestionsI. Inviting QuestionsSo, let's throw it open to questions. Now I' d like to answer any questions, if you h...[ 查看全文 ]英语口语演讲:英语演讲教程:Developing the Speech Text
12月23日 留学群liuxuequn.com英语频道特为大家准备相关的学习资料,希望对大家有用。 Chapter II Developing the Speech TextI. Announcing the Beginning of the Speech TextTo begin with, I would like to talk about a principle. I think i...[ 查看全文 ]