英国退出欧盟,卡梅伦宣布辞职以后,那么应该新任首相又是谁呢?本文“英国新首相:特蕾莎梅”由留学群英语考试网整理而出,希望考生们喜欢! Theresa May expected to become Britain's prime minister on Wednesday evening. 特蕾莎·梅将于英国时间本周三晚间就任英国的新首相。 In politics for decades, she has strong stances on immigration, same-sex marriage. 在几十年的从政生涯中,她一直对移民问题和同性婚姻持强硬立场。 Theresa May is not a mother -- her opponent made that clear, to her own demise -- but you may be wondering who exactly is this conservative politician tapped to lead post-Brexit Great Britain. 特蕾莎·梅并没有子女,她的对手以此作为攻击她的弹药,结果搬起石头砸了自己的脚。那么,这位被推举来领导欧脱欧时代英国的保守... [ 查看全文 ]英国新首相:特蕾莎梅的相关文章