转眼间2016年就过去一大半啦,同学们托福备考的怎么样了呢?留学群托福栏目为大家带来托福写作素材之名人对青年人的影响,希望对大家有所帮助哦! 托福写作素材之名人对青年人的影响 Celebrity, youth culture and the question of role models The recent 2015 MTV Video Music Awards event was notable - not for the recognition of award recipients, but for the public spat between host Miley Cyrus and hip-hop artist Nicki Minaj. Whether real or staged, the hurling of insults and aggressive behavior dominated mainstream press coverage of the ceremony surely much to the delight of MTV. Both Minaj and Cyrus are known for courting controversy... [ 查看全文 ]托福写作素材之名人对青年人的影响的相关文章