accrete 【考法1】v. 逐漸增長:to grow or increase gradually, as by addition 【例】silt accreting at the mouth of the river泥沙在河口淤積 【近】accumulate, build up, pile (up), stack (up) 【反】wear away, reduction in substance caused by erosion 侵蝕,減少 【派】accretion n. 慢慢增加 accumulate 【考點1】vi. 逐漸增長:to increase gradually in quantity or number 【例】accumulate a fortune 積攢了一筆財富 【近】mount, swell, garner, snowball, build up, bulk (up) 【反】dissipate, diminish, dwindle, recede, wane 消散,減少 acerbic 【考法1】adj. 酸澀的心情、心境或者語調: marked by the use of wit that is intended to cause ... [ 查看全文 ]12年gre词汇表:2012年GRE考试重点词汇精讲五的相关文章