据说大多数人会在大学期间长胖哦,留学群英语栏目为大家整理了英语热词之超重的一代,希望对大家有所帮助哦! 英语热词之超重的一代 15 is said to be the number of pounds that many students gain in their first year of college; and freshman 15 is the often observed phenomenon of weight gain among first year college students. 据说,之所以会出现15这个数字是因为很多学生在大一这一年体重会增加15磅(约13斤);而freshman 15则指代学生上大一时体重增加这个现象。 除此之外,上班族在休假期间长胖的可能性也很高,大概是因为休假期间神经放松,出去玩的时候又经受不住美食的诱惑吧。 Holiday pounds refer to the extra little bit of weight you put on during a period of being on holiday or vacation. Holiday pounds指休假或者节假日期间额外增长的那部分体重,我们可以... [ 查看全文 ]英语热词之超重的一代的相关文章