马上要迎来8份的托福考试了,同学们都准备好了吗?留学群托福栏目为大家带来关于友谊的托福写作素材整理,希望对大家有所帮助哦! 关于友谊的托福写作素材整理 How to maintain a good friendship? 表示感激: Keeping Your Friendship Rewarding Show APpreciation. Sometimes when you have known people for a long time, you can start to take them for granted. This doesn't have to be the case. Always thank your friend when he or she does something for you. Return favors when your friend goes out of his or her way to help you. Do nice things like getting their favorite candy at the grocery store, buying them lunch, or getting them a... [ 查看全文 ]关于友谊的托福写作素材整理的相关文章