本文主要讲解GRE作文相关内容,希望能帮助童鞋们提高写作能力。留学群liuxuequn.com编辑部敬上。 While we must invest in research irrespective of whether the results might be controversial,at the same time we should be circumspect about research whose objectives are too vagueand whose potential benefits are too speculative. After all, expensive research always carriessignificant opportunity costs--in terms of how the money might be spent toward addressingsociety's more immediate problems that do not require research. One apt illustration of thispoint involves the so-called "Star Wars"... [ 查看全文 ]gre范文:GRE作文范文大全(13)的相关文章
GRE写作部分将重点考察考生有针对性地对具体考题做出反应的能力,而非要求考生堆砌泛泛的文字。具体说来,这些重点关注的能力包括:1、 清楚有效地阐明复杂观点;2、 用贴切的事理和事例支撑观点;3、考察/验证他人论点及其相关论证;4、支撑一个有针对性的连贯的讨论;5、控制标准书面英语的各个要素。写作部分将联合考察逻辑推理和分析写作两种技能,并且将加大力度引进那些需要考生做出有针对性的回应的考题,降低考...[ 查看全文 ]专题推荐: