雅思口语想要拿高分,平时一定要多说多练,也要注意练习的技巧和方法,不能盲目备考。留学群雅思栏目为大家带来2016年9月至12月雅思口语题库三,希望对大家备考雅思口语有所帮助哦! 2016年9月至12月雅思口语题库三 Being alone 1) Do you like to be alone? Yes, I like to be alone. I really enjoy the time of being alone. In this case, I can calm down and think about problems without being bothered by others. I think it is really meaningful to my life. No, I do not like to be alone. I am an active and outgoing person. I like talking and communicating with others. So, being alone will drive me crazy. 2) What do you like to do when you are alone? ... [ 查看全文 ]2016年9月至12月雅思口语题库三的相关文章