同学们在备考托福阅读的时候,大量的练习和阅读量是必不可少的。留学群托福栏目为大家带来学科类托福阅读讲解,希望能有所帮助哦! 学科类托福阅读讲解 自然科学 一、地质学 冰川类 1 OG:green Icebergs 2 TPO 15:Glacier Formation 3 TPO 19:Discovering The Ice Ages 地质现象 1 OG:Geology and Landscape 2 TPO 01:Groundwater 3 TPO 02:Desert Formation 4 TPO 03:Depletion of The Ogallala Aquifer 5 TPO 07:The Geologic History of The Mediterranean 6 TPO 12:Water in The Desert 7 TPO 20:Fossil Preservation 8 TPO 21:Geothermal Energy 9 TPO 24:Lake Water 10 TPO 28-1:Groundwater 11 TPO 27-2:The Formation of Volcanic Islands 下面跟着小编一起来看... [ 查看全文 ]学科类托福阅读讲解的相关文章