GRE作文是中国学生比较头痛的,经常准备很多时间最后还是只得到3.5。我之所以得到6分,个人认为我的文风比较淳朴扎实,有科学性,写的思路比较广(正、反、特),字数也比较多(I800+、A700+)。 5.The following appeared in the business section of a newspaper. "Given that the number of people in our country with some form of arthritis is expected to rise from 40 million to 60 million over the next twenty years, pharmaceutical companies that produce drugs for the treatment of arthritis should be very profitable. Many analysts believe that in ten years Becton Pharmaceuticals, which makes Xenon, the best-selling drug treatment for arthrit... [ 查看全文 ]gre范文:argument提纲(3)的相关文章
GRE考试形式:中国大陆地区、香港、澳门、韩国目前执行分开考试的形式。由机考(分析性写作)和笔试(语文、数学)组成。 Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument. 1.The following appeared in a business magazine. "As a result of numerous consumer compl...[ 查看全文 ]