本文主要讲解GRE作文相关内容,希望能帮助童鞋们提高写作能力。留学群liuxuequn.com编辑部敬上。 题目: A recently issued twenty-year study on headaches suffered by the residents of Mentia investigated the possible therapeutic effect of consuming salicylates. Salicylates are members of the same chemical family as aspirin, a medicine used to treat headaches. Although many foods are naturally rich in salicylates, food-processing companies also add salicylates to foods as preservatives. The twenty-year study found a correlation between the rise in the commercial use of salicylates and a st... [ 查看全文 ]专题推荐:
12年gre作文要求:gre issue教研实践活动话题写作提纲
GRE考试形式:中国大陆地区、香港、澳门、韩国目前执行分开考试的形式。由机考(分析性写作)和笔试(语文、数学)组成。 很多参加gre的考生在做gre写作的时候都没有写提纲的习惯,这是非常不好的。提纲在gre写作当中起到了至关重要的作用。从今天起,我们将对gre issue进行分析,弄清写作思路,这样才能让gre issue得高分。下面针对教研实践活动话题的gre issue写作提纲思路与分析进行...[ 查看全文 ]专题推荐: