本文来自雅思口语网liuxuequn.com《雅思口语话题二月最新汇总》。 雅思的考题最近真多,下面是最新的汇总。虽然新题极少,但话题太多,很难缩小范围,因此对策一就是尽量多准备,对策二就是准备好少量题目后,狂练咱们上课讲过的“考场一分钟技巧”——先读题,然后确定话题,最后聚焦到自己最能延伸的1-2个分问题,尽量多往自己最擅长、最熟悉、准备过的内容上去延伸。 第一部分: Study/working life Hometown Home(where you live) Weekends Reading/Newspaper Arts Name Clothing Weather Daily routine Seasons Mobile phone Music Housework Teachers Park or garden TV Shopping Transport Friends Sports Computer Meals 话题卡 人物题 1. A person who took care of you when you were a child 2. A person who likes to help others 3. Interesting old... [ 查看全文 ]雅思口语考试:雅思口语话题二月最新汇总的相关文章