本文来自雅思口语网liuxuequn.com《8.18广州口语》。 发信人: nicoletan(nicole) 我今天上午刚考完口语,考题如下: Stage 1NameHow should I call you?Are you a student or do you work? What did you study? Why did you want to choose this subject?Why do we need clothes? / Do you think it is important to wear clothes? (具体问法记不清了,我答了衣服的作用)What's the change of clothes in the past and at the present?What kind of clothes you don't like? Stage 2Talk about a newspaper or magazine that you read: What it is What it contains How often you readExplain why you like it. Round-up Question: Is it v... [ 查看全文 ]雅思口语话题8.18广州口语的相关文章
雅思口语学习网站:口语Part1范文PRESENT SITUATION
本文来自雅思口语网liuxuequn.com《口语Part1范文PRESENT SITUATION》。 雅思考试很痛苦,我们给您力量.感谢您拜读我们问您准备的《口语Part1范文PRESENT SITUATION》一文....[ 查看全文 ]