本文来自雅思作文网liuxuequn.com《学竞争还是合作?》。 本文为赖劲松老师特供留学群雅思频道(liuxuequn.com)作品,转载请注明作者和出处!仅供参考,不得模仿,否则有可能得到比较低的分数,甚至0分。 Version117 Some people claim that children should learn how to compete in school while others believe that it is more seful to teach children how to co-operate. What's your opinion? -------------------Argumentation----------251 words in total---------------------------------Introduction( 49 words)Entering the 21st century, well-educated people can enjoy more prosperity and social progress. It is believed that a orrect ay of educa... [ 查看全文 ]雅思写作网站:学竞争还是合作?的相关文章