Gre写作是美国所有作文考试中时刻最长而质量要求最高的一类作文考试,而在短期内提高gre写作能力不是一天两天可以完成额,所以我们在备考2011新gre写作时必然要对问题问题深切的剖析,体味以下优异范文的文章结构,以提高新gre写作的整体分数。 1.Yet there is little resemblance between these crude vehicles and a modern scientific balloon, which has by now became a importance research tool. 2.In mediaeval times river were the veins of the body politic as well as economic. 3.Two main techniques have been used for training elephants, which we may call respectively the tough and the gentle. 4.This is supposed to induce pleasurable sensations in the elephant, and it... [ 查看全文 ]2012gre范文:写作资料句子6的相关文章