本文主要讲解GRE作文相关内容,希望能帮助童鞋们提高写作能力。留学群liuxuequn.com编辑部敬上。 写作例子 科技发展对人类的影响: The place of technology in modern society is a subject of continuing controversy. Key issue includes not only the impact of technology on quotidian life but also the need to control the development and uses of technological innovations so that they benefit all aspects of community. 正面: any technological developments during the last century have helped reduce human suffering. Consider, for instance, technology that enables computers to map Earth’s geographical features... [ 查看全文 ]GRE备考:GRE作文例子总结(一)的相关文章
GRE作文是中国学生比较头痛的,经常准备很多时间最后还是只得到3.5。我之所以得到6分,个人认为我的文风比较淳朴扎实,有科学性,写的思路比较广(正、反、特),字数也比较多(I800+、A700+)。 awintro的归纳和整理1、在拿到题目后应该找出这些:what is offered as evidence, support, or proof;what is explicitly state...[ 查看全文 ]