出国留学高考网为大家提供高考英语作文预测:对梦想成就伟人的看法,更多高考英语作文请关注我们网站的更新! 高考英语作文预测:对梦想成就伟人的看法 We grow great by dreams The question was once asked of a highly successful businessman, “How have you done so much in your lifetime?” He replied, “I have dreamed. I have turned my mind loose to imagine what I wanted to do. Then I have gone to bed and thought about my dreams. In the night I dreamt about my dreams. And when I awoke in the morning, I saw the way to make my dreams real. While other people were saying, ‘You can’t do that, it is impossible,’ I was well on my way ... [ 查看全文 ]高考英语作文预测:对梦想成就伟人的看法的相关文章
高考英语作文预测:When I Have a Different Opinion
出国留学高考网为大家提供高考英语作文预测:When I Have a Different Opinion,更多高考英语作文请关注我们网站的更新! 高考英语作文预测:When I Have a Different Opinion 在班级活动中,当你的想法与大多数同学不一致时,你是坚持自己的观点并说服别人,还是尊重大多数同学的意见?请你以 “When I Have a Different Opinio...[ 查看全文 ]