什么是家庭蜜月?本文“英语流行词之家庭蜜月”由留学群英语考试网整理而出,希望考生们喜欢! Familymoon is a honeymoon in which the newlywed couple bring along their children. Familymoon is that trip that you and you new loved one travel for the first time as a family. “家庭蜜月”指的是再婚的夫妻二人带上各自的孩子一起度蜜月,是你和你的新伴侣及家人第一次一起旅行。 Newly-blended families are built on bonding, and there’s few better ways to bring everyone close than with a familymoon vacation. 重组家庭需要增进感情,而想要让家庭成员之间关系更亲密,度个“家庭蜜月”是最好不过的办法。 Familymoons are a great way for newly blended families to share in once in a lifetime exper... [ 查看全文 ]英语流行词之家庭蜜月的相关文章
英语短语“to throw money at (a problem)”解析
好像现在很多事情都可以用“钱”解决,衍生出了一大堆网上流传的段子,留学群英语栏目为大家带来英语短语“to throw money at (a problem)”解析,一起来看看吧! 英语短语“to throw money at (a problem)”解析 今日短语 所谓向问题投掷金钱 to throw money at (a problem) 意思就是为解决问题花大笔钱。其含义是这种用...[ 查看全文 ]