在父母的眼中,爱就是和你一起走,走再远的路也不会疲倦,下面请跟随作文网小编为大家带来的最新单元作文《表达对父母的爱的英文》。如果想要更多关于单元作文,请继续关注我们留学群的作文栏目。 篇一:表达对父母的爱的英文 When young, feel the deep love, the father of children never high voice, more didn't move a finger. Memory, not like a mother, when we are naughty, mother will hand on the bottom in the smoke a few times, don't punish knelt, are not allowed to eat. Grow up, you just know, that is love, only expression, not many culture's mother only in this way to implement the education of their children, which is not the mother don't hurt children,... [ 查看全文 ]表达对父母的爱的英文的相关文章