


本文“中英双语新闻:厨房里应储备哪些食物”由留学群英语考试网整理而出,希望能帮到您! 1. Blueberries 1. 蓝莓 Plentiful in taste and filled with antioxidants, blueberries are a great treat. You can throw them in the blender to make a smoothie, sprinkle them on top of pancakes, or grab a handful and snack on them. The antioxidants in blueberries help protect against cancer, heart disease and age-related illnesses. 美味可口又富含抗氧化剂,蓝莓是超级美食。可以将蓝莓放在搅拌机中做奶昔,也可以在煎饼上撒一些蓝莓,又或者直接抓一把品尝。蓝莓中的抗氧化剂有助于预防癌症、心脏病和与年龄相关的疾病。 While not usually cheap, you can save money by buying them at a discount when they ... [ 查看全文 ]



你知道有哪些抗癌食物吗?本文“双语新闻阅读:七种抗癌食物”由留学群英语考试网整理而出,希望能帮到您! 抗癌食物 Worldwide, more than 10 million people are diagnosed with cancer every year. Until recently it was believed that cancer is largely caused by...[ 查看全文 ]


本文“中英双语新闻:哪些美食容易上瘾”由留学群英语考试网整理而出,欢迎您阅读! It's easy to claim we're "addicted" to foods like the donuts from down the street or our beloved Thai takeout. 我们很容易说吃什么东西上瘾,比如街那头的甜甜圈,或者大爱的泰式外卖。 But while...[ 查看全文 ]


留学群英语考试频道为大家整理提供“双语新闻阅读之情妇猎手”。欢迎您阅读! “情妇猎手”出击 专业解决“第三者” Licence to split: China's mistress hunters on a mission Don't get mad, get your opponent to surrender voluntarily: when Mrs Wang discovered...[ 查看全文 ]


第68届艾美奖正式拉下了帷幕,本文“中英双语新闻:美剧《权力的游戏》破艾美奖纪录”由留学群英语考试网整理而出,欢迎您阅读! 《权力的游戏》横扫38个艾美奖项破纪录(附获奖名单) Game Of Thrones reigns over Emmys with record-breaking win Game Of Thrones had a record-breaking night...[ 查看全文 ]


本文“中英双语新闻:巴黎增设“城管””由留学群英语考试网整理而出,欢迎您阅读! 巴黎增设“城管” 不文明行为要罚款 Paris deploys 'incivility brigade' to enforce fines for uncouth behaviour Paris on Monday sent a 1800-strong "incivility brigade" into th...[ 查看全文 ]


本文“中英双语新闻:加快超市排队速度的生活小技巧”由留学群英语考试网整理而出,欢迎您阅读! It can be one of the most frustrating things in life – waiting in line at the supermarket. 在超市排队结账确是一件很让人懊恼崩溃的事儿。 But new research shows that a...[ 查看全文 ]


本文“双语新闻阅读:电子竞技成新专业”由留学群英语考试网整理而出,希望能帮到您! The major "Electronic competitive sports and management" is listed among 13 new majors for vocational schools in China, according to the Ministry of Educati...[ 查看全文 ]


本文“中英双语新闻阅读:买6387只羊放生”由留学群英语考试网整理而出,希望能帮到您! Drolma, a Tibetan woman in Ganzi, Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in southwest China's Sichuan Province, was reported to have released 6,387 goats to a pra...[ 查看全文 ]


本文“中英双语新闻:以色列餐厅狂宰中国游客”由留学群英语考试网整理而出,希望能帮到您! 一顿饭3万元 以色列餐厅狂宰中国游客引争议 Row after Chinese tourists charged £3,280 at Israeli restaurant A group of eight Chinese tourists in Israel has been handed...[ 查看全文 ]


本文“双语新闻阅读:大学里的“爱的帐篷””由留学群英语考试网整理而出,希望能帮到您! 中国大学里为何突现“爱的帐篷” Why 'tents of love' are popping up in Chinese colleges These are called "love tents" but they're not what you think. 虽被称为“爱的帐篷”,但是它们可与你...[ 查看全文 ]
肯德基餐厅储备经理—枝江 肯德基餐厅储备经理-乌鲁木齐 部门储备管理干部 储备干部、见习助理 2015制造储备干部 生产管理储备干部 初高中英语老师 高端储备管理人员 必胜客餐厅储备经理——乌鲁木齐 驻外储备干部-湛江 高中英语精品班教师 肯德基餐厅储备经理-扬州市 储备销售经理 肯德基餐厅储备经理-灌南县 肯德基餐厅储备经理-宝应 应届毕业储备干部 模具工程部储备员 销售部储备干部 分公司储备经理 厨房设备维修改造
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