本文来自雅思口语网liuxuequn.com《工艺品》。 无忧提示:本内容仅供参考,不可完全背诵并完全用于实际口语考试中。以免雷同! Handicraft: The handicraft that I would describe to you is of an extreme artistic importance in our country. Many foreigners buy it when they come to china for traveling and take it back as a souvenir. It’s called “Bamboo craft”, entirely made from bamboo and with hand. My dad is very interested in collecting crafts and antiques; he has an old friend who is an artist and a professional sculptor. My dad is often busy with his company matter, so when I was a kid he used to dr... [ 查看全文 ]雅思满分口语:工艺品的相关文章