本文来自雅思作文网liuxuequn.com《2009年10月8日真题点评》。 本文为雅思名师孙进专供留学群雅思频道(liuxuequn.com)作品,转载须注明作者和出处“留学群雅思频道(liuxuequn.com)”。A family has a great influence on children's development, but the outside of home play a bigger part in children's lifeDo you agree or disagree? 本题属于教育类话题,是雅思考试中历年考查频率最高的话题。而如果对雅思作文题目有深入学习的同学都应该知道,本题其实与08年9月6日的作文题有异曲同工之妙Once children start school, the teachers would have more influence in their intellectual and social development than parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(一旦孩子开始上学,老师对他们的智力和社交的发展比家长有更多的影响。你在何种程度上同意或者反对... [ 查看全文 ]雅思写作最新范文:真题点评的相关文章