本文来自雅思作文网liuxuequn.com《年轻男士应具有的新形象》。 年轻的单身男士们受够了被人说成幼稚、迟钝和沉湎于性。据一项最新调查显示,大多数年轻男士认为应该拥有灵魂伴侣,不怕作出承诺,而且真正的男人是会流泪的。A couple watches the sun set at Kuta beach on Bali October 3, 2005.Young, single men are fed up with being typecast as immature, insensitive and sex-obsessed, with a survey finding that the majority believe in having a soul mate, aren't scared of commitment, and say real men can cry.该项调查有7万名平均年龄为28岁的男士参加。调查结果显示现代男性有自己的价值观、对爱情忠诚,并有家庭责任感,这打破了以往人们对现代男性的很多固有看法。A poll of 70,000 men with an average age of 28 debunked many of the standar... [ 查看全文 ]雅思写作秘笈之年轻男士应具有的新形象的相关文章