本文来自雅思作文网liuxuequn.com《语法》。 句子构成的成分共分为九种:主语,谓语,宾语,表语,定语,状语,补语,同位语和插入语。 一、主语:句子的核心主体,通常位于谓语动词之前,表明一个句子是谁或何种情况所发出执行或是承受的。在雅思写作中常做主语的有名词、代词、主语从句、V-ing 、To do五种。 1名词:Computers are now being widely used in almost all fields. 2代词:We are now living in an information-explosion era. 3主语从句:Whether sports stars should earn a high salary is still discussed heatedly. 4V-ing: Surfing the Internet offers a new way for people to relax themselves. 5To do: To protect the environment is everybody’s business. 二、谓语:描述或阐述主语的情况,由动词来充当,常位于主语之后。 1表状态用系动词:As... [ 查看全文 ]雅思写作最新范文:语法的相关文章