雅思写作范文Culture Shock
本文来自雅思作文网liuxuequn.com《Culture Shock》。 都是由英文为母语人士写成,对于雅思写作很有参考价值,对于背景介绍和经典句型,用法等来说都是不可多得的好素材!!!Culture ShockCulture Shock The United States of America is a country in which many people from all over the world comes to live harmoniously with each other. Unlike Canada, which is a multicultural country, it is a melting pot since each person brings his peculiarity to enrich the culture of this country. But this melting process is not always without pain or hurt. I felt the life in Canada is more comfortable According to John J. Macionis, the au... [ 查看全文 ]雅思写作范文Culture Shock的相关文章
雅思写作雅思大作文范文之control of violence in media
本文来自雅思作文网liuxuequn.com《雅思大作文范文之control of violence in media》。 下面是一篇关于媒体中的暴力的雅思大作文写作范文,在这篇雅思大作文范文中主要讨论了政府应该控制电视和电影中的暴力镜头的数量以减少暴力犯罪在社会上的发生。在何种程度上航你同意还是不同意这个观点呢?下面是详细内容。 You should spend about 40 mi...[ 查看全文 ]