以下是近几年gre考试真题中经常出现和常考的形容词词汇,不单是gre考试,很多英语考试中经常考察形容词的英译英。接下来的几天,小编会按照字母开头的顺序整理一些gre考试真题常见形容词词汇,供大家复习用。 palatable :: agreeable; pleasing to the taste palatial :: magnificent pallid :: pale; wan palpable :: tangible; easily perceptible paltry :: insignificant; petty parsimonious :: stingy; excessively frugal passive :: not active; acted upon pastoral :: rural patent :: open for the public to read; obvious pathetic :: causing sadness, compassion, pity; touching pecuniary :: pertaining to money pedantic :: showing off learning; bookish ... [ 查看全文 ]gre词汇量:形容词词汇的相关文章