本文来自雅思口语网liuxuequn.com《13岁雅思口语9分详细回忆》。 作者钟琬婷13岁,第一次参加雅思考试,取得了总分8.5分的成绩。 其中,听力9分,阅读9分,写作7分,口语9分。 以下是口试详细过程回忆。 1:23pm Arrival of the examiner, a small, heavily sun-tanned middle-aged man with a slightly bald head. He gave me a small smile as he went into the test-room and closed the door. 1:25pm I was beckoned into the room. On sitting down, I handed him my ID card and watched him check the information. After that, he set a small mp3 recorder on the desk between us and started the interview. First, he stated the place and date of the inte... [ 查看全文 ]雅思口语考试:13岁雅思口语9分详细回忆的相关文章
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