本文来自雅思口语网liuxuequn.com《5.23北京口语回忆三篇》。 发贴:meggieliu 我是5。23上午9:30在北语考试,一个漂亮的mm监考,比较好,虽然紧张,但是还好啦 问题,按照顺序如下: 没有问姓名之类,morning之后,就开始了 what's your job? Do you like or dislike your job? Why? What's do you think the best job you can enjoy?why? How about Chinese wedding? What usually people do in the wedding ceremony? what should people wear attend a wedding? Part2: Describe a school you went to when you were young. when?where?How large? What's the most thing you enjoy in the school? Part3: Will you send your children to the same school? ... [ 查看全文 ]雅思口语5.23北京口语回忆三篇的相关文章