留学群考研网为大家提供考研英语作文词汇:Show,更多考研资讯请关注我们网站的更新! 考研英语作文词汇:Show 【Show】 这个词我们都很熟悉。但是需要的时候是否用到了? 1、你的照片给我看看好吗?(超级常用句) Chinglish: I want to look at your photos, ok? Revision: Can you show me your photos? 2、这个星期天我想带你到处逛逛。 Chinglish: I plan to take you out everywhere and have a look this sunday Revision: I plan to show you around this sunday. 3、什么?想要我去啊?拿钱来!(常见开玩笑的话) Chinglish: What? You want me to go? Give me your money! Revision: What? You mean I'll do the job? Ok, show me the money. Want to improve your English? Show your sincerity please 使用频率:★★★★ 造句... [ 查看全文 ]考研英语作文词汇:Show的相关文章