


不知道小伙伴们有没有阅读英语文章的习惯,其实网上很多双语阅读文章都是很有意思的。留学群英语考试栏目为大家带来“中英双语阅读:英国外交大臣竟不知道韩国总统是谁”,希望大家喜欢! Boris Johnson has walked out of a live TV interview after being challenged to name the South Korean President, declaring: ’We are not doing a pub quiz。’ 鲍里斯-约翰逊在被问及韩国总统的名字后离开了电视直播访谈,他说道:“我们不是在玩酒吧问答。” The Foreign Secretary invited host Dermot Murnaghan to join him for a quiz in the pub but said he would not do one live on air。 外交大臣约翰逊还要邀请了主持人德莫特·默纳汉跟他一道来酒吧玩问答游戏,但表示不会直播。 Challenged by Murnaghan to name the French Foreign Minister, he said: &... [ 查看全文 ]



不知道小伙伴们有没有阅读英语文章的习惯,其实网上很多双语阅读文章都是很有意思的。留学群英语考试栏目为大家带来“双语阅读:蜘蛛丝的神奇秘密”,希望大家喜欢! What’s five times as strong as steel, twice as tough as Kevlar, and can be stretched over thirty percent in lengt...[ 查看全文 ]


留学群英语栏目为大家带来“双语阅读:圣诞整容手术成新风尚”,希望对大家有所帮助哦! 圣诞节就要到了,为了在圣诞聚会上美美地自拍,不少爱美人士选择先做个整形手术,整形手术甚至成了最受欢迎的圣诞礼物之一。据报道,有不少整形手术预约排在圣诞前的数周。一些整形外科医生不得不延长接诊时间,应对过于拥挤的顾客。 Not only the most wonderful time of the y...[ 查看全文 ]


留学群英语栏目为大家带来“中英双语阅读:老外盘点中美六大文化差异”,希望对大家有所帮助哦! Living in a culture that is different from your own can be both an exciting and challenging experience. You have to learn different cultural practices ...[ 查看全文 ]


留学群英语栏目为大家带来“双语阅读:早餐吃冰激凌能变聪明吗”,希望对大家有所帮助哦! In a discovery that will give nutritionists the shivers, a Japanese scientist has discovered that consuming ice cream for breakfast improves a person&rsqu...[ 查看全文 ]


留学群英语栏目为大家带来“中英双语阅读:我国走失人口中老年人众多”,希望对大家有所帮助哦! More than 1,300 elderly people go missing in China every day -- 500,000 per year, a new report claims. 一份最新报告显示:我国每年走失老人约50万人,平均每天就有超过1300名老人走失。 Seni...[ 查看全文 ]


留学群英语考试栏目为大家提供“双语阅读:说外语可能会改变你的气质”,希望考生们能有所收获。 I have recently discovered that I have a second personality when I speak English, compared to the "original" me when I speak Chinese. 我最近发现当我说英语时,和说中文...[ 查看全文 ]


留学群英语栏目为大家带来“中英双语阅读:世界最健康的驴奶酪”,希望大家能有所收获! It's the most expensive cheese in the world, produced by just one farm in Serbia, but donkey cheese could be the next cult food item. 驴奶酪是世界上最昂贵的奶酪,全球仅有塞尔...[ 查看全文 ]


留学群英语栏目为大家带来“中英双语阅读:助你点餐愉快的英语小词”,希望对大家有所帮助! Types of Bread 面包 1. Sub 潜水艇面包 A sub is a type of long bread that's commonly used in fast food sandwiches. Many native speakers might not know this, b...[ 查看全文 ]


留学群英语栏目为大家带来“双语阅读:可口可乐推出智能自拍瓶”,希望对大家有所帮助! Coca-Cola is taking the 'millennial narcissism' culture to the next level with a new gadget that lets consumers snap selfies while sipping its soda. 可...[ 查看全文 ]


留学群英语栏目为大家带来“中英双语阅读:面试问到薪酬问题怎么回答”,希望对大家有所帮助哦! 中英双语阅读:面试问到薪酬问题怎么回答 One of the most awkward questions you can be asked in a job interview is "What are your salary requirements?" or"How much are you ...[ 查看全文 ]
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