同学们,你们的假期过得精彩吗?都发生了哪些有趣的事情?欢迎大家给我们投稿,与全国的同学们一同分享。liuxue86作文频道为学生朋友们精心准备了多篇《小学生我的假期英语作文》,希望对大家的写作有所帮助。 【小学生我的假期英语作文】 Last summer,we went to a lake with my grandmother and grandfather.I swam in the lake and I played on the beach.I liked playing on the beach. This summer holiday,I think we will go on a trip to the ocean.I will play on a beach again!I will like swimming in the ocean! This summer holiday went by really fast, and I am already looking forward to my next summer holiday. 【关于假期的作文】 It was a long holiday. I went to Hong Kong with my... [ 查看全文 ]小学生我的假期英语作文的相关文章