为了帮助考生们更好地备战GRE,留学群GRE栏目为您带来“GRE考生最为青睐的10句英文格言”,希望对大家有所帮助! No.10-There are NO SHORTCUTS to any place worth going. No.9-The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. No.8-Your success will not be determined by your gender or your ethnicity, but only onthe scope of YOUR DREAMS AND YOUR HARD WORK TO ACHIEVE THEM. No.7-TO do what you want to do, to leave a mark in a way that you think is importantand lasting that’s a life well lived. No.6-If you cannot do great things, DO SMALL THINGS IN A GREAT WAY. No.5-Our greatest weakness... [ 查看全文 ]GRE考生最为青睐的10句英文格言的相关文章