GRE阅读素材Grocery shopping
为了帮助考生们更好地备战GRE考试,留学群GRE栏目为您带来“GRE阅读素材Grocery shopping”,希望对大家有所帮助! Grocery shopping——Aisle be damned 超市大采购:该死的通道 For the best bargains, avoid shopping around for your groceries 欲求物美价廉货,货比三家要不得 THRIFTY shoppers do not have to look far to find a bargain. Offers abound in the cut-throat world of British supermarkets. Received wisdom suggests that people trying to save money on their groceries should shop around to get the best prices. But research presented on April 9that the Royal Economic Society suggests that those who do so end up payin... [ 查看全文 ]GRE阅读素材Grocery shopping的相关文章
GRE双语阅读:Politicians and religion
为了帮助考生们更好地备战GRE考试,留学群GRE栏目为您带来“GRE双语阅读:Politicians and religion”,希望对大家有所帮助! Politicians and religion——Doing God 政客与宗教:造神风波 David Cameron's frank Christian talk is more astute than the reaction ...[ 查看全文 ]