GRE阅读真题解析之PP2-3 Passa
留学群GRE栏目小编们精心为广大考生准备了“GRE阅读真题解析之PP2-3 Passage 2”,各位同学赶快学起来吧,做好万全准备,祝各位同学考试顺利通过。 PP2-3 Passage 2 In 1996, scientists caused an experimental flood of the Colorado River by releasing water from Glen Canyon Dam above the Grand Canyon. Because an unintentional flood in 1983 had reduced the river’s introduced population of nonnative trout, biologists were concerned that the experimental flood would wash many fish, native and nonnative, downstream. To find out, biologists placed nets in the river. The nets captured a few more trout than they... [ 查看全文 ]GRE阅读真题解析之PP2-3 Passa的相关文章