“2017年公共英语一级阅读理解练习与解析(二)”由留学群英语考试栏目为广大考生朋友提供,试题后面贴心附有答案解析哦,小伙伴们赶紧跟着小编一起来训练吧! In 1870s rich people began to speak of spending weekends in the country visiting friends. For most people back then, however, the workday was six days long. Car maker Henry Ford was the first person in the United States to start a workweek of 5 days. He did that in 1926. By 1940 it had become common for most Americans to work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. For many people Saturday night is the happiest time of the weekend and the week. Anything and everything can ... [ 查看全文 ]2017年公共英语一级阅读理解练习与解析(二)的相关文章