“2017年雅思口语高分要点在答题逻辑”由留学群雅思考试栏目为您提供,雅思口语最重要的就是答题逻辑要清晰,当然清晰也不是指说的多,接下来就跟着小编一起来看看怎样有逻辑地去答题! 1. 前后对比或转折 这一类词汇烤鸭其实经常会用到,能够在表达中清晰明了地告诉考官前后会有对比或转折,提醒考官注意。这一类表达有哪些呢: However 然而 Example: Our local government has promised to improve air quality. So far, however, little has been achieved. Nevertheless 尽管如此 Example: There is little chance that we will succeed. Nevertheless, it is important that we try. Mind you 不过 Example: I don’t like the job. But mind you/still, the money’s ok. In spite of / despite 尽管如此 Example: The train was an ... [ 查看全文 ]2017年雅思口语高分要点在答题逻辑的相关文章
雅思口语示例:Interesting conversation
“雅思口语示例:Interesting conversation”由留学群雅思考试栏目为您提供,更多精彩内容,请继续关注我们的更新! Describe an interesting conversation or speech that you’ve heard. You should say: Who was talking What the talk was about...[ 查看全文 ]2017雅思口语话题答案:Living room decorated fish tank
“2017雅思口语话题答案:Living room decorated fish tank”由留学群雅思考试栏目诚心为您整理,更多考试相关资讯,请继续关注我们的更新! I’d like to talk about the decorative fish tank in our living room, which is a gift I gave to my dad on his...[ 查看全文 ]