“2017雅思口语话题测试试题一”由留学群雅思考试栏目为您提供,赶快跟着小编一起释放洪荒之力来学习吧,小编在这里预祝各位童鞋考试顺利! 话题训练:有趣的住家Describe an interesting house or apartment you visited. You should say: Where this place is What it is like When you want to live in there 示意范文: I have visited many houses and apartments, and I liked most of them.But here, I would like to talk about a house, which I find very interesting.This is the house of my aunt and uncle, who live in Chandigarh. It is a double story house with four bedrooms, one kitchen, one hall and one drawing room.I find the house ve... [ 查看全文 ]2017雅思口语话题测试试题一的相关文章
雅思口语示例:Interesting conversation
“雅思口语示例:Interesting conversation”由留学群雅思考试栏目为您提供,更多精彩内容,请继续关注我们的更新! Describe an interesting conversation or speech that you’ve heard. You should say: Who was talking What the talk was about...[ 查看全文 ]