留学群雅思考试栏目为您提供“2017雅思口语考前自我检测”,小伙伴们要注意啦,雅思考试时间正在一点点地逼近,大家抓紧时间去复习吧! Part 1 1.Hometown 你现在住在哪里? 你的家乡在哪里? 目前在学习什么? 2.Major What’s your major ? why did you choose the major ? 3.Work/study: Doyou study or work ? Do you need to work very hard ? what do you after work ?what will u do in the future ?工作之后都是干什么? 你在你家周围做什么? 4.TVprogram Doyou like watching TV? What’s your favorite TVprogram ? 喜欢看什么节目? 跟谁一起看?喜欢自己看还是和别人一起? 会不会花太长时间看电视? 5.House/apartment Doyou live in a house or an apartment ? What can you see of the window ? 还要住多久? 到市... [ 查看全文 ]2017雅思口语考前自我检测的相关文章
2017雅思口语每日话题训练:A little expensive sport
“2017雅思口语每日话题训练:A little expensive sport”由留学群雅思考试栏目为您提供,想要在雅思口语考试拿高分,话题每日练是必须的,小伙伴们赶紧练习吧,小编就先在这里祝大家考试顺利! 话题: 有点贵的运动Describe a sport that you prefer to do and is a little expensive You should say ...[ 查看全文 ]