GRE阅读练习:Visual recognition
“GRE阅读练习:Visual recognition”由留学群GRE考试栏目为您整理,希望本文内容对各位童鞋接下来的考试有所帮助,小编祝大家考试顺利! Visual recognition involves storing and retrieving memories. Neural activity, triggered by the eye, forms an image in the brain‘s memory system that constitutes an internal representation of the viewed object. When an object is encountered again, it is matched with its internal representation and thereby recognized. Controversy surrounds the question of whether recognition is a parallel, one-step process or a serial, step-by-step one. Psychologists of the Gest... [ 查看全文 ]GRE阅读练习:Visual recognition的相关文章
GRE阅读练习:Internet induced depression
“GRE阅读练习:Internet induced depression”由留学群GRE考试栏目为您整理,希望本文内容对各位童鞋接下来的考试有所帮助,小编祝大家考试顺利! A decrease in face-to-face social contact can precipitate depression. Time spent using the Internet cannot be s...[ 查看全文 ]2017GRE阅读分析:Maximum loading capacity
“2017GRE阅读分析:Maximum loading capacity”由留学群GRE考试栏目为您整理,希望本文内容对各位童鞋接下来的考试有所帮助,小编祝大家考试顺利! The damage that trucks do to highwaysescalates dramatically with the weight borne per axle. New regulations in...[ 查看全文 ]2017年GRE备考长难句分析:feminist movement
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