“雅思写作难句复习资料”由留学群雅思考试栏目为您提供,想要在雅思作文考试拿高分,每日练习是必不可少的,小伙伴们赶紧练习吧,小编就先在这里祝大家考试顺利! 1.As luck would have it, he was caught by the teacher again. 不幸的是,他又一次被老师逮个正着。 2.She held the little boy by the right hand. 她抓着小男孩的右手。(这里用“by”与用“with”意思区别很大。) 3.Are you there? 等于句型:Do you follow me? 4.If you think he is a good man, think again. 如果你认为他是好人,那你就大错特错了。 5.If my mother had known of it she'd have died a second time. 要是我妈妈知道了,她会从棺材里爬起来。 6.That took his breath away. 他大惊失色。(很形象的说法啊~) 7.Rubber easily gives way to pressure. 橡胶很容易变形。 8.The elevator ... [ 查看全文 ]雅思写作难句复习资料的相关文章
2017雅思写作高分范文参考资料:Tradition and technology
“2017雅思写作高分范文参考资料:Tradition and technology”由留学群雅思考试栏目为您提供,更多精彩内容,别忘了继续关注我们的更新! It is inevitable that traditional cultures will be lost as technology develops. Technology and traditional cultures ar...[ 查看全文 ]