亚琛工业大学是德国一所世界级的理工大学,国际排名很高。亚琛工业大学每年都招收中国留学生,对有意留学德国的学生是不错的选择。那么,亚琛工业大学的博士怎么申请,有哪些资格要求呢?被录取之后,在注册的过程中都要出示哪些文件?所有这些,就请和留学群来看看吧! 一、Requirements for Admission Usually, the basic educational requirement for being accepted as a doctoral candidate is a degree with an excellent GPA awarded by an internationally recognized research university or equivalent academic institution. This degree has to be equivalent to a German Master's degree (or to a "Magister", "Diplom", or "State Examination" degree according to the pre-Bologna degree system). 入学... [ 查看全文 ]亚琛工业大学博士申请解析的相关文章