


2017年的QS全球就业能力最前大学排名中,加拿大有哪些好的院校上榜了呢?跟着留学群来看看吧!欢迎阅读。 2017QS全球就业能力排名中的加拿大实力派院校! QS全球高等教育集团是教育界极为权威而专业的机构,不仅出炉QS世界大学全球学校排名,还给出了2017年度《全球大学毕业生就业竞争力排名》,该院校就业力排名主要是依据学术声誉、校友成就、雇主-学生联系情况、雇主合作能力、毕业生就业率等指标评定。下面小编就为大家十大加拿大最具就业力的优质院校,供大家参考和考察! 1、多伦多大学 2017年QS全球就业能力大学排名中,多伦多大学位居第19,不过就加拿大国内来看,多伦多大学堪称就业能力第一强的院校,且多大拥有众多著名校友,其数量也是加拿大院校中最多的,在多大校友中,光是成为加拿大总理的就有4位!为了自己的学生都能找到好工作,多伦多大学也是想尽了办法,设置了各种有利于就业前景的课程,比如:创业课程、co-op项目、专家经验分享。 2、滑铁卢大学 作为理科界大佬的滑铁卢大学其就业力一直居高不下,在2017年QS全球就业能力排名22位,不过有意向指标,即:“与雇主关系”指标中是第一位。滑铁卢大学最著名的莫过于co-op项目,它可以帮学生把课堂上学到的知识充分的运用到实践当中,从而获得足够... [ 查看全文 ]



If you want to study law, choosing between the thousands of top law schools across the globe can be tricky. Hopefully, our latest law school rankings can help, as they identify the 300 most prestigiou...[ 查看全文 ]


If you want to study law, choosing between the thousands of top law schools across the globe can be tricky. Hopefully, our latest law school rankings can help, as they identify the 300 most prestigiou...[ 查看全文 ]


If you want to study law, choosing between the thousands of top law schools across the globe can be tricky. Hopefully, our latest law school rankings can help, as they identify the 300 most prestigiou...[ 查看全文 ]


If you want to study law, choosing between the thousands of top law schools across the globe can be tricky. Hopefully, our latest law school rankings can help, as they identify the 300 most prestigiou...[ 查看全文 ]


If you’re thinking of studying architecture and unsure of which university is for you, the QS World University Rankings by Subject can help. Our ranking of the world’s top architecture sch...[ 查看全文 ]


有去美国留学打算的同学,除了费用、专业以外,最关注的当属学校的选择了,那么美国留学有哪些性价比高的学校呢?跟留学群一起来看看吧,欢迎阅读。 俄亥俄州立大学哥伦布分校 Ohio State University--Columbus 2017 US news 排名 第 54 学校地理位置:俄亥俄州首府哥伦布市 国际留学生学费:$29,229 顶尖公立大学,历史悠久,是本州排名第一的公立大学...[ 查看全文 ]


QS世界大学排名(英文:QS World University Rankings),是由教育组织Quacquarelli Symonds(QS)所发表的年度世界大学排名。排名包括主要的世界大学综合排名及学科排名。西班牙有十五所大学在各自的强势专业领域里面排名排进了前50名,下面留学群带领同学们初步的了解下,有哪些大学入选了前50名。 马德里地区 康普顿斯大学UCM 牙科 36 兽医...[ 查看全文 ]


If you want to study law, choosing between the thousands of top law schools across the globe can be tricky. Hopefully, our latest law school rankings can help, as they identify the 300 most prestigiou...[ 查看全文 ]


Released annually, the QS World University Rankings by Subject lists the top 200 universities for art and design across the globe, based upon their academic reputation, employer reputation and researc...[ 查看全文 ]


Released annually, the QS World University Rankings by Subject lists the top 200 universities for art and design across the globe, based upon their academic reputation, employer reputation and researc...[ 查看全文 ]
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